Tapang Realty Promoting real estate properties in Angeles-Mabalacat Pampanga area. We have been in the business for over 40 years and we have helped numerous people, both local and foreigners regarding their real estate needs, be it sales or rent! Leave it to us! We are glad of service! Email at tapangrealty@gmail.com or visit website at www.tapangrealty.com

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Foreigners Can Own Real Estate in the Philippines
Foreigners Can Own Real Estate in the Philippines

Generally, only Filipinos are allowed by Philippine laws to acquire by purchase, transfer or assignment any lands in the Philippines. However Foreigners may be able to acquire properties in the Philippines by any of the following:

Lease the Property - You can lease public and private land for 25 years with an automatic renewal for 25 years, (just enough time for return on investments). This is also a cheap alternative, but it makes it difficult to make any sort of investment return on a property. However, it is ideal for those thinking of retiring here. Unlike many countries such as Thailand or Indonesia, a lease on property for a foreigner is a very easy and straightforward step to take in the Philippines. This is the easiest, least time-consuming, and safest way for a foreigner to purchase small areas of land within the Philippines. It can be done directly with the owner.

Through a Filipino Trustee or wife – Have a Filipino (you can trust) where you can put the title or ownership of property in his/her name. This is the most common way for small-scale investors to buy property here.

Purchase land as a Balikbayan – The Government of the Philippines has recently passed the Dual Citizenship Act which gives all former Filipinos the right to purchase land within the Philippines.

Buy A Condominium Unit - You can own 100% of the unit but not more than 40% of the entire condominium project.

Form a Corporation – You can form a corporation with Filipino partners with the sharing of 40% foreign - 60% Filipino capital. This is the most iron-clad form of property ownership for foreign investors, and definitely the preferred form of property ownership for those thinking of establishing a resort, or tourism facility. In fact, the majority of existing resorts and businesses owned by foreigners are using this form of ownership.

Inherit the land if your Spouse dies: This simply means, when your Filipina wife dies, you as the compulsory heir, together with your children if you have any, will become the legal owners of her property.


posted by Oh_Me @ 2:47 AM  
Condominium Act RA4726 / Foreigners can Own Condo

The Condominium Act of the Philippines, R.A. 4726, expressly allows foreigners to acquire condominium units and shares in condominium corporations up to not more than 40 % of the total and outstanding capital stock of a Filipino owned or controlled condominium corporation.

Those who claim that foreigners can own a house & lot in the Philippines have a condominium title to their property. There are a very few single-detached homes or Townhouses in the Philippines with condominium titles. Most condominiums are high rise buildings.

Section 5 of RA 4726 states that: “Any transfer or conveyance of a unit…therein shall include the transfer or conveyance of the undivided interest in the common areas or in a proper case, the membership or shareholding in the condominium corporation: provided, however, that where the common areas in the condominium project are held by the owners of separate units as co-owners hereof, no condominium unit therein shall be conveyed or transferred to persons other than Filipino citizens or corporation at least 60% of the capital stock of which belong to Filipino citizens, except in cases of hereditary succession.”

Condominium Act

(Republic Act No. 4726; with amendments by HB No. 970)

SECTION 1. The short title of this Act shall be "The Condominium Act".

SECTION 2. A Condominium is an interest in real property consisting of a separate interests in a unit in a residential, industrial or commercial building or in an industrial estate and an undivided interests in common, directly and indirectly, in the land, or the appurtenant interest of their respective units in the common areas.
The real right in condominium may be ownership or any interest in real property recognized by law, on property in the Civil Code and other pertinent laws."

SECTION 3. As used in this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:
a) "Condominium" means a condominium as defined in the next preceding section.
b) "Unit" means a part of the condominium project intended for any type of independent use or ownership, including one or more rooms or spaces located in one or more floors (or parts of floors) in a building or buildings and such accessories as may be appended thereto; provided, that in the case of an industrial estate wherein the condominium project consists of several buildings, plants and factories may, by themselves, be considered separately as individual units as herein defined."
c) "Project" means the entire parcel of real property divided or to be divided in condominiums, including all structures thereon.
d) "Industrial Estate or Estate" means a certain tract of land which is subdivided and developed primarily for industrial purposes and which usually includes provisions for basic infrastructure facilities and common services such as roads, water, electricity, drainage and waste disposal system.
e) "Common areas" means the entire project except all units separately granted or held or reserved.
f) "To divide" real property means to divide the ownership thereof or other interests therein by conveying one or more condominium therein but less than the whole thereof.

SECTION 4. The provisions of this Act shall apply to property divided or to be divided into condominium only if there shall be recorded in the Register of Deeds of the province or city in which the property lies, and duly annotated in the corresponding certificate of title of the land, if the latter had been patented or registered under either the Land Registration or Cadastral Acts, an enabling or master deed which shall contain, among others, the following:
a) Description of the land on which the building or buildings and improvements are to be located;
b) Description of the building or buildings, stating the number of storeys and basement, the number of units and their accessories, if any;
c) Description of the common areas and facilities;
d) A statement of the exact nature of the interest acquired or to be acquired by the purchased in the separate units and the common areas of the condominium projects. Where title to or to appurtenant interests in the common areas is to be held by a condominium corporation, a statement to this effect shall be included;
e) A certificate of the registered owner of the property, if he is other than those executing the master deed, as well as of all registered holders of any lien or encumbrances on the property, that they consent to the registration of the deed;
f) The following plans shall be appended to the deed as integral parts thereof:
1. A survey plan of the land included in the project, unless a survey plan of the same property had previously been filed in said office;
2. A diagrammatic floor plan of the building or buildings each unit, its relative location and approximate dimensions.
g) Any reasonable restriction not contrary to law, morals, or public policy regarding the right of any condominium owner to alienate or dispose off his condominium.
h) The enabling or master deed may be amended or revoked upon registration of an instrument executed by a simple majority of the registered owners of the property: Provided. That in a condominium project exclusively for either residential or commercial use, simple majority shall be on a per unit of ownership basis and that in the case of mixed use, simple majority shall be on a floor area of ownership basis: Provided, further, That prior notifications to all registered owners shall be submitted to the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and the city/municipal engineer for approval before it can be registered. Until registration of a revocation, the provisions of this Act shall continue to apply to such property.

SECTION 5. Any transfer or conveyance of a unit or an apartment, office or store or other space therein, shall include the transfer or conveyance of the undivided interest in the common areas or in a proper case, the membership or share holdings in the condominium corporation: provided, however. That where the common areas in the condominium project are held by the owners of separate units as co-owners hereof, no condominium unit therein shall be conveyed or transferred to persons other than Filipino citizens or corporation at least 60% of the capital stock of which belong to Filipino citizens, except in cases of hereditary succession. Where the common areas in a condominium project are held by a corporation, no transfer or conveyance of a unit shall be valid if the concomitant transfer of the appurtenant membership or stockholding in the corporation will cause the alien interest in such corporation to exceed the limits imposed by existing laws.

SECTION 6. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the enabling or master deed or the declaration of restrictions, the incidents of a condominium grant are as follows:
a) the boundary of the unit granted are the interior surfaces of the perimeter walls, floors, ceiling, windows and doors thereof: provided, that in the case of an industrial estate condominium projects, wherein whole buildings, plants or factories may be considered as unit defined under section 3 (b) hereof, the boundary of a unit shall include the outer surfaces of the perimeter walls of said buildings, plants or factories. The following are not part of the unit: bearing walls, columns, floors, roofs, foundations, and other common structural elements of the buildings; lobbies, stairways, hall ways and other areas of common use, elevator equipment and shafts, central heating, central refrigeration and central air conditioning equipment, reservoir, tanks, pumps and other central services and facilities, pipes, ducts, flues, chutes, conduits wires and other utility installations, wherever located, except the outlets thereof when located within the unit."
b) There shall pass with the unit, as an appurtenant thereof, an exclusive casement for the use of the air space encompasses by the boundaries of the unit as it exists at any particular time and as the unit may lawfully be altered or reconstructed from time to time. Such easement shall be automatically terminated in any air space upon destruction of the units as to render it untenantable.
c) Unless otherwise provided, the common areas are held in common by the holders of units, in equal share one for each unit.
d) A non-exclusive easement for ingress, egress and support through the common areas in appurtenant to each unit and the common areas are subject to such easement.
e) Each condominium owner shall have the exclusive right to paint, repaint, tile, wax, paper or otherwise refinish and decorate the inner surfaces of the walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors hounding his own unit: provided, that in the case of an industrial estate condominium unit, such right may be exercised over the external surfaces of the said unit.
f) Each condominium owner shall have the exclusive right to mortgage, pledge or encumber his condominium and to have the same appraised independently of the other condominium owner.
g) Each condominium owner has also the absolute right to sell or dispose of his condominium unless the master deed contains a requirements that the property be first offered to the condominium owners within a reasonable period of time before the same is offered to outside parties;
SECTION 7. Except as provided in the following section, the common areas shall remain undivided, and there shall be no judicial partition thereof.
SECTION 8. Where several persons own condominium in a condominium project, an action may be brought by one or more such person for partition thereof, by sale of the entire project, as if the owners of all the condominium in such project were co-owners of the entire project in the same proportion as their interests in the common areas; Provided, however, that a partition shall be made only upon a showing:
a) That three years after damage or destruction to the project which renders a material part thereof unfit for its use prior thereto, the project had not been rebuilt or repaired substantially to its state prior to its damage or destruction; or
b) That damage or destruction to the project has rendered one half or more of the units therein untenantable and that condominium owners holding in aggregate more than 30 percent interest in the common areas are opposed to the repair or restoration of the projects; or
c) That project has been in existence in excess of 50 years, that it is obsolete and uneconomical, and that condominium owners holding in aggregate more than 50 percent interest in the common areas are opposed to repair or restoration or remodeling or modernizing of the project; or
d) That the project or a material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated and that the project is no longer viable, or that the condominium owners holding in aggregate more than 70 percent interest in the common areas are opposed to the continuation of the condominium regime after expropriation or condemnation of a material proportion thereof; or
e) That the condition for such partition by sale set forth in the declaration of restrictions duly registered in accordance with the terms of this Act, have been met.

SECTION 9. The owner of a project shall, prior to the conveyance of any condominium therein, register a declaration or restrictions, relating to such project, which restrictions shall ensure to a bind all condominium owners in the project , such liens, unless otherwise, provided, may be enforced by any condominium owner in the project or by the management body of such project. The Register of Deeds shall enter and annotate the declaration of restrictions, upon the Certificate of Title covering the land included within the proper, if the land is patented or registered under the Land Registration or Cadastral Acts.
Such declaration of restrictions, among the other things, may also provide:
a) As to management body
1. For the power thereof, including power to enforce the provisions of the declarations of restrictions;
2. For the maintenance of insurance policies insuring condominium owners against loss by the, casualty, liability, workmen's compensation and other insurable risks and for bonding of the members of any management body;
3. Provisions for maintenance, utility, gardening and other services benefiting the common areas for the operations of the building, and legal, accounting and other professional and technical services;
4. For purchase of materials, supplies and the like needed by the common areas;
5. For payment of taxes and special assessment which would be a lien upon the entire project or common areas, for discharge of my encumbrance levied against the entire project of the common areas;
6. The manner for delegation of its powers;
7. For reconstruction of any portion or portions of any damage to or destruction of the project;
8. For entry by its officers and agents into any unit when necessary in connection with the maintenance or construction for which such body is responsible;
9. For a power of attorney to the management body to sell the entire project for the benefit of all of the owners thereof when partition of the project may be authorized under Section 8 of this Act, which said power shall be binding upon all of the condominium owners regardless or whether they assume the obligations of the restrictions or not
b) The manner and procedure for amending such restrictions, provided, that the vote of not less than a majority in interest of the owners is obtained;
c) For independent audit of the accounts of the management body;
d) For reasonable assessments to meet authorized expenditures, each condominium unit to be assessed separately for its share of such expenses in proportion (unless otherwise provided) to its owner's fractional interest in any common areas;
e) For the subordination of the liens securing such assessments to other lien either generally or specifically described;
f) For conditions, other than those provided for in Section 8 and 13 of this Act, upon which partition of the project and dissolution of the condominium corporation may be made. Such right to partition or dissolution may be conditioned upon failure of the condominium owners to rebuild within a certain period or upon specified percentage of damage to the building, or upon a decision of an arbitration, or upon any other reasonable condition.

SECTION 10. Whenever the common areas in a condominium project are held by a condominium corporation, such corporation shall constitute the management body of the project. The corporate purposes of such a corporation shall be limited to the holding of the common areas; either the ownership of any other interest in real property recognized by the law, to the management of the project, and to such other purposes as maybe necessary, incidental or convenient to the accomplishment of said purposes. The articles of incorporation or by laws of the corporation shall not contain any provision contrary to or inconsistent with the provision of this Act, the enabling or master deed, or the declaration of restrictions of the project, membership in a condominium corporation regarding of whether it is stock or non-stock corporation, shall not be transferable separately from the condominium unit of which it is an appurtenance. When a member or a stockholder ceases to own a unit in the project in which the condominium corporation owns or holds the common area, he shall automatically cease to be a member or stockholder of the condominium corporation.

SECTION 11. The registration and regulation of a condominium corporation shall be vested with the Housing And Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) and the term of the said corporation shall be coterminous with the duration of the subdivision projects, the provision of the corporation law to the contrary notwithstanding.

SECTION 12. The dissolution of the condominium corporation in any manner and any of the causes provided by law shall be governed by the provisions of the Title XIV of the Corporation Code.

SECTION 13. Until the enabling or the master deed of the project in which the condominium corporation owns or holds the common areas is revoked the corporation shall not be voluntarily dissolved through an action for dissolution under Rule 104 of the Rules of Court except upon a showing:
a) The three years after damage or destruction to the project in which damage or destruction renders a materials part thereof unfit for its use prior thereto, the project has not been rebuilt or repaired substantially to its state prior to its damage or destruction; or
b) The damage or destruction to the project has rendered one half or more of the units therein untenantable and that more than 30 percent of the member of the corporation entitled to vote, if a stock corporation, are opposed to the repair or reconstruction of the project; or
c) That the project has been in existence excess of 50 years, that it is obsolete and uneconomical and that more than 50 percent of the members of the corporation if non-stock or stockholders representing more than 50 percent of the capital stock entitled to vote, if a stock corporation, are opposed to the repair or restoration or remodeling or modernizing of the project; or
d) That project or material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated and that the project is no longer viable or that the members holding in aggregate more than 70 percent interest in the corporation if non-stock, or the stockholders representing more than 70 percent of the capital stock entitled to vote, if a stock corporation, are opposed to the continuation of the condominium regime after expropriation or condemnation of a material portion thereof; or
e) That the conditions for such a dissolution set forth in the declaration of restrictions of the project in which the corporation, are opposed to the continuation of the condominium regime after expropriation or condemnation of a material portion thereof; or

SECTION 14. The condominium corporation may also be dissolved by the affirmative vote of all the stockholders or members thereof at a general or special meeting duly called for such purpose: Provided, that all the requirements of Section 62 of the Corporation Law are complied with.

SECTION 15. Unless otherwise provided for in the declaration of restrictions, upon voluntary dissolution of a condominium corporation in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 and 14 of this Act, the corporation shall be deemed to hold a power of attorney from all the members or stockholders to sell and dispose of their separate interests in the project and liquidation of the corporations shall be affected by a sale of the entire project as if the corporation owned the whole thereof, subject to the rights of the corporation and of individual condominium creditors.

SECTION 16. A condominium corporation shall not, during its existence, sell, exchange, lease or otherwise dispose of the common areas owned or held by it in the condominium project unless authorized by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the registered owners: provided, that prior notification to all registered owners are done and provided further, that the condominium corporation may expand or integrate the project with another upon the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the registered owners, subject only to the final approval of the HLURB.

SECTION 17. Any provisions of the Corporations Law to the contrary not withstanding, the by-laws of a condominium corporation shall provide. That a stockholder or member shall not be entitled to demand payment of his shares or interest in those cases where such right is granted under the Corporation Law unless the consents to sell his separate interest in the project to the corporation or to any purchaser of the corporation's choice who shall also buy from the corporation the dissenting member or stockholder's interest. In case of disagreement as to price, the procedure set forth in the appropriate provisions of the Corporation Law for valuation of shares shall be allowed. The corporation shall have two years within which to pay for the shares or furnish a purchaser of its choice from the time of award. All expenses incurred in the liquidation of interest of the dissenting member or stockholder shall be borne by him.

SECTION 18. Upon registration of an instrument conveying a condominium, the Register of Deed shall, upon payment of the proper fees, enter and annotate the conveyance on the certificate of title covering the land included within the project and the transferee shall be entitled to the issuance of a "condominium owners" copy of the pertinent portion of such certificate of title. Said "Condominium Owner's" copy need not reproduce the ownership status of other condominium in the project. A copy of the description of land, a brief description of condominium conveyed, name and personal circumstances of the condominium owner would be sufficient for purposes of the "condominium owners" copy of the certificate of title. No conveyance of condominium or part thereof, subsequent to the original conveyance thereof from the owner of the project, shall be registered unless accompanied by a certificate of the management body of the project that such conveyance is in accordance with the provisions of the declaration of restrictions of such project.
In case of condominium project registered under the provisions of the Spanish Mortgage Law or Act 3344 as amended, the registration of the deed of conveyance of a condominium shall be sufficient if the Register of Deed shall keep the original or signed copy thereof, together with the certificate of the management body of the project, and return a copy of the deed of conveyance to the condominium owner duly acknowledged and stamped by the Register of Deeds in the same manner as in the case of registration of conveyance is in accordance with the provisions of the declaration of restrictions of such project.

SECTION 19. Where the enabling or master deed provides that the land included within a condominium project are to be owned in common by the condominium owners therein the Register of Deeds may at the request of all the condominium owner and upon surrender of all their condominium owner's copies, cancel the certificate of title of the property and issue a new one in the name of said condominium owners as pro-indiviso co-owners thereof.

SECTION 20. The assessment upon any condominium made in accordance with a duly registered declaration of restrictions shall be an obligation of the owner thereof at the time the assessment is made. The amount of any such assessment plus any other charges thereon, such as interest, costs (including attorney's fee) and penalties, as such may be provided for in the declaration of restrictions, shall be and become a lien upon the condominium to be registered with the Register of Deed of the City or province where such condominium project is located. The notice shall state the amount of such assessment and such other charges thereon as may be authorized by the declaration of restrictions, a description of condominium unit against which same has been assessed, and the name of the registered owner thereof. Such notice shall be signed by an authorized representative of the management body or as otherwise provided in the declaration of restrictions. Upon payment of said assessment and charges of other satisfaction thereof, the management body shall cause to be registered a released of the lien.
Such lien shall be superior to all other liens registered subsequent to the registration of said notice of assessment except real property tax liens and except that the declaration of restrictions may provide for the subordination thereof to any other liens and encumbrances, such liens may be enforced in the same manner provided for by law for the judicial or extra-judicial foreclosure of mortgage or real property. Unless otherwise provided for in the declaration of the restrictions, the management body shall have power to bid at foreclosure sale. The condominium owner shall have the right of redemption as in cases of judicial or extra-judicial foreclosure of mortgages.

SECTION 21. No labor performed or services or materials furnished without the consent of or at the required of a condominium owner or his agent or his contractor or sub-contractor, shall be the basis of a lien against the condominium of any other condominium owner, unless such other owner have expressly consented to or requested the performance of such labor or furnishing of such materials or services. Such express consent shall be deemed to have given by the owner of any condominium in the case of emergency repairs of his condominium unit. Labor performed or services or materials furnished for the common areas, if duly authorized by the management body provided for in a declaration of restriction governing the property, shall be deemed to be approved by the condominium owner. The owner of any condominium may remove his condominium from a lien against two of the lien of the fraction of the total sum secured by such lien which is attributable to his condominium unit.

SECTION 22. Unless otherwise provided for by the declaration of restrictions, the management body, provided for herein, may acquire and hold, for the benefit of the condominium owners, tangible personal property and may dispose of the same by sale or otherwise, and the beneficial interest in such personal property shall be owned by the condominium owners in the same proportion as their respective interests in the common areas. A transfer of a condominium shall transfer to the transferee ownership of the transferor's beneficial interest in such personal property.

SECTION 23. Where, in an action for partition of a condominium corporation on the ground that the project or a material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated, the court finds that the condition provided in this Act or in the declaration have not been met, the court may decree a reorganization of the project declaring which portion or portions of the project shall continue as a condominium project, the owners thereof, and the respective rights of the remaining owners and the just compensation, if any, that a condominium owner may be entitled to due to deprivation of his property. Upon receipt of a copy of the decree, the Register of Deeds shall enter and annotate the same on the pertinent certificate of title.

SECTION 24. Any deed declaration or plan for a condominium project shall be liberally construed to facilitate the operation of the project, and its provisions shall be presumed to be independent and several.

SECTION 25. The building and design standards for condominium projects to be promulgated by HLURB shall provide for, among others, accessibility features for disabled persons pursuant to Batas Pambansa Bilang 344 of 1994.

SECTION 26. Whenever real property has been divided into condominiums, each condominium separately owned shall be separately assessed, for purposes of real property taxation and other tax purposes, to the owners thereof and tax on each such condominium shall constitute a lien solely thereon.

SECTION 27. All acts or parts of Acts in conflict on inconsistent with this Act are hereby amended insofar as condominium and its incidents are concerned.

SECTION 28. This act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved, June 18, 1966.


posted by Oh_Me @ 2:35 AM  

Florida Residences

Located at: City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Project Profile:

Right in the middle of Pampanga's two prime cities is an emerging community where you can live in style and convenience. Florida Residences offer sophisticated and comfortable living with its American-inspired homes.
Aside from the carefully planned architecture, lush landscaping and brilliant development of the community, Florida Residences is most desired for its location with accessibility to the much needed establishments.

All houses are designed to maximize the functionality of the house while still providing sophisticated and comfortable living. Florida Residences homes are affordable with easy payment options for your convenience. We, at Homewell, understand the Filipino way of living which is manifested in the products we offer. In Florida Residences, you will experience American-style of living in a Filipino way of life.

Reward yourself and experience the best of both worlds.

Village Amenities:

* Swimming Pool for adults and children
* Basketball Court
* Multi-purpose and American-designed Clubhouse
* Secured Community

House Features:

• Well-planned American-inspired houses
• Spacious and comfortable interiors
• Sophisticated architecture for style and functionality
• High-quality finishes


posted by Oh_Me @ 7:22 AM  
House & Lot Preselling on a Strategic Location
Herencia de Julieta house and lot preselling at Dau Mabalacat Pampanga Offers two house models Julieta and Natividad. Located near Makro Dau, Mabalacat General Hospital, San Rafael Church, Allied Bank Mabiga branch, San Rafael Hospital, and a stone throw away to expressway from NLEX going to Clark. Visit Herencia de Julieta or email us at tapangrealty@gmail.com
posted by Oh_Me @ 7:04 AM  

Brentwood has several phases such as the East Enclave, the West Enclave, Executive Phase and the Gardens. Each phase offers home buyers a unique living experience inside Brentwood.

Brentwood is only five minutes away from the Clark International Airport, SM City Clark, the Mimosa Golf & Country Club and other leisure establishments.

House Model: Vanessa

House Specification:
Floor Area: 80 sqm
Min Lot Area: 105 sqm
Ext. Walls & Finishes: Load bearing CHB with plain cement and textured finish.
Int. Walls and Finishes: Load bearing plywood on wooden frame with PVC baseboard
Bedroom Partition: Painted plywood on wooden frame with PVC baseboard
Roof Framing: Pre-painted GI steel tiles roofing
Fascia Board: Ficem board fascia
Gutter/Downspout: Pre-painted Spanish gutter with PVC downspout
Int. Ceiling & Finishes: Painted plywood with wood cornice
Ext. ceiling Finishes: Ficem board (painted)
Doors: Wood moulded door, steel casement, PVC door type
Windows: Steel casement / awning window w/ aluminum snap-on with glass and grilles
T & B Finish: Ceramic floor and wall tiles
Kitchen Counter, CAB: Modular system with stainless kitchen sink
Ground Floor Slab: Reinforced concrete
Second Floor Slab: Reinforced concrete on steel decking
Ground Floor Finishes: Ceramic Floor tiles
Second Floor Finishes: Vinyl tiled finish
Plumbing: Complete Fixtures
Electrical: Complete Fixtures
Septic Tank: One unit/PVC
Drain Pipes: With drain pipes
Catch Basin: With catch basin
Stairs: Wooden stairs and handrail / steel balusters and railings
Others: Laundry tub

email us at tapangrealty@gmail.com


posted by Oh_Me @ 5:37 PM  

Brentwood has several phases such as the East Enclave, the West Enclave, Executive Phase and the Gardens. Each phase offers home buyers a unique living experience inside Brentwood.

Brentwood is only five minutes away from the Clark International Airport, SM City Clark, the Mimosa Golf & Country Club and other leisure establishments.

House Model: Bernice

Bugalow. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Toilets and Bath, Maid's Room with Toilet and Bath, Living Room, Dining Area, Kitchen, 2-Car Carport

House Specification:

Floor Area: 119 sqm
Min Lot Area: 210 sqm
Ext. Walls & Finishes: Load bearing CHB with painted plain cement and textured finish.
Int. Walls and Finishes: Load bearing CHB with painted plain cement finish.
Bedroom Partition: 100mm THK load bearing CHB
Roofings: Pre-painted GI tileroof
Gutter/Downspout: Pre-painted Spanish gutter with PVC downspout
Ceiling & Finishes: Painted plywood on wooden frames
Doors: Steel and moulded doors
Windows: Steel casement / awning window w/ aluminum snap-on with glass and security grilles and with intricate design and grill works
T & B Finish: Ceramic floor and wall tiles
Kitchen Counter: Modular kitchen / Cabinet
Ground Floor Slab: Reinforced concrete
Ground Floor Finishes: Ceremic Floor tiles
Plumbing: Complete Fixtures
Electrical: Complete Fixtures
Septic Tank: One unit/PVC
Drain Pipes: With drain pipes
Catch Basin: With catch basin


posted by Oh_Me @ 5:35 PM  

Brentwood has several phases such as the East Enclave, the West Enclave, Executive Phase and the Gardens. Each phase offers home buyers a unique living experience inside Brentwood.

Brentwood is only five minutes away from the Clark International Airport, SM City Clark, the Mimosa Golf & Country Club and other leisure establishments.

House Model: Sabrina

3 Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 Toilets and Bath, Powder Room, Den/Office, Maid's Room with T&B, 2 car carport / Trellis, Lanai

House Specification:

Floor Area: 236 sqm
Min Lot Area: 280 sqm

Load bearing blocks, Steel Roof Framing

Main Door: "Super Lock" Steel Door Panel
Service Door: Steel Door
Bedroom: Moulded Panel Door
Bathroom: Wooden Flush Door
Lanai/Terrace: Aluminum sliding Door

Windows: Aluminum Slide

Exterior Walls: stone Cladding / Painted Plain / Textured Cement Plaster Finish

Interior Walls:
Concrete-Painted Final-Coat
Wall Partition: Painted Final-Coat on Bedroom Walls
Flooring: Ground Floor: Ceramic / Second Floor: Laminated Wood Flooring

T & B: Ceramic tiles finish with completed fixtures and accessories

Ceiling: Painted Ficem Board

Roofing: "Tilespan" pre-painted long span metal roofing sheet

Kitchen Counter: Built-in Kitchen Cabinet

Bedroom Closet: Built-in Cabinet

Stairs: Concrete Stairs with wood steps in varnished finish


posted by Oh_Me @ 5:33 PM  

Brentwood has several phases such as the East Enclave, the West Enclave, Executive Phase and the Gardens. Each phase offers home buyers a unique living experience inside Brentwood.

Brentwood is only five minutes away from the Clark International Airport, SM City Clark, the Mimosa Golf & Country Club and other leisure establishments.

House Model: Francine

3 Bedrooms, 2 T&B, Lanai, Maids room with T&B, 2-car Carport / Trellis

House Specification:

Floor Area: 140 sqm
Min Lot Area: 278 sqm

Load bearing blocks, Steel Roof Framing

Main Door: "Super Lock" Steel Door Panel
Service Door: Steel Door
Bedroom: Moulded Panel Door
Bathroom: Wooden Flush Door
Lanai/Terrace: Aluminum sliding Door

Windows: Aluminum Slide

Exterior Walls: stone Cladding / Painted Plain / Textured Cement Plaster Finish

Interior Walls:
Concrete-Painted Final-Coat
Wall Partition: Painted Final-Coat on Bedroom Walls
Flooring: Ceramic

T & B: Ceramic tiles finish with completed fixtures and accessories

Ceiling: Painted Ficem Board

Roofing: "Tilespan" pre-painted long span metal roofing sheet

Kitchen Counter: Modular Kitchen Cabinet

Bedroom Closet: Modular Cabinet


posted by Oh_Me @ 5:21 PM  

Celebrate life in Metrogate Angeles, an 87-hectare first-class residential subdivision off the North Expressway in Angeles City. Just a stone's throw from the New Angeles City Hall, schools, churches, public markets and the Clark Special Economic Zone. MGA is considered the biggest development of its class in the area.

Location: Brgy. Mining, Angeles City


Experience living at the center of it all Metrogate Angeles offers you value-plus advantages that make residential living a privilage in itself.

Strategic Location

Just a few minutes from the new City Hall and the Clark Special Economic Zone.

Quality Amenities

A prime residential masterpiece that boasts first class amenities ensuring security, privacy and leisurely comfort for your family.

Perfect Investment

A rising property value due to the various ongoing infrastructure developments in the area.


# Clubhouse with pavilion, multipurpose hall, bar and function rooms

# Swimming pool

# Golf driving range

# Tennis court

# Covered and open basketball courts

# Gazebo and children's playground

# Landscaped entrance gate with guardhouse and 24-hr. security

# Wide roads with mountable curbs and gutters

# Underground drainage system

# Centralized water supply


P 5,000 (residential lot)
P 10,000 (commercial)
P 15,000 (house and lot)

Price Ranges:

With a minimum cut square lot of 120 SqM. P2,700 - P3,300 per SqM.

P336,000 - P555,000 lots only


in-between Brgy. Mining and Capaya, Angeles City, Pampanga

Total Project Area: 87 ha.

Lot areas:

120 sqm (ave)
537 sqm (max)

* MGA can be reached through Balintawak exit (North Expressway):
- via San Fernando-Dau exit
- via Magalang exit thru the Pandan Tabun Road
* Public trasnsportation Available
Bus: Victory Liner, Philippine Rabbit, Alladin
A. Route: San Fernando, Pampanga / Jeep to Angeles / Jeep to Holy / Clark Gate / Jeep to Plaridel / Capaya
B. Route: Dau, Pampanga // Jeep to Angeles / Jeep to Holy / Clark Gate / Jeep to Plaridel / Capaya

Community Features
* Main entrance and secondary entrance gates with guardhouses
* Elevated steel water tanks and pumping stations
* Perimieter fence
* Concrete road network
- Main Road: 15 m. R.O.W.
- Secondary Road: 8 m. R.O.W.
* Underground drainage system
* Angeles City Water District water supply
* Angeles Electric Company electrical lines, with street lighting

Recreational Features
* Clubhouse complex with multipurpose hall, bar, shower rooms and function rooms
* Golf driving range
* Covered basketball court (PBA standard)
* Open basketball and tennis courts
* Full landscaping at clubhouse area
* Gazebo and childrens playground


posted by Oh_Me @ 5:17 PM  

House and Lot for Sale

Value: P4.8M Negotiable
Location: MetroGate Subdivision Angeles City
Total Lot Area: 360 sqm
Bedrooms: 4, 2
Bathrooms: 3

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 5:08 PM  

House and Lot for Sale

Value: P1.7M Negotiable
Location: 5 minutes close to Nepo Mall and Holy Angel University
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
Added Room: 1

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 5:06 PM  

Furnished Home and Lot for Sale

Value: P3.9M Negotiable
Location: Along Angeles-Magalang Road
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 3
Library Room: 1
10 Minutes to Clark Airport and SM Mall and 5 Minutes close to the ongoing Ayala Mall near NLEX or North Luzon Expressway

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.
posted by Oh_Me @ 5:04 PM  

Semi Furnished Home and Lot for Sale Angeles

Value: P19M Negotiable
Total Lot Area: 541 sqm corner lot on an exclusive village
2 Storey Home
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 6
Gym with Steam Bath, Swimming pool with Jacuzzi
Master's Bedroom with Jacuzzi, TV Room on 2nd Floor

All Rights Reserved by Tapang Realty- Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 5:01 PM  

Location: Diamond Subdivision, Balibago, Angeles City, Pampanga

Own this home including the business

Value: P8M Negotiable
Total Lot Area: 450 sqm
Bedrooms: 4
Masters Bedroom with toiler & bath,
Music Room
Maid's Quarters
Dirty Kitchen

This is a rush Sale!!!


posted by Oh_Me @ 4:52 PM  

House and Lot for Sale at Metro Clark Mabalacat

Value: P4M Negotiable
Location: MetroClark Homes Mabalacat
Bedrooms: 4
Toilet and Bath: 2
Masters Bedroom with Bath tub
2 Storey with Grocery and Swimming Pool

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 4:49 PM  

Exclusive Subdivision Mabalacat

Value: P3.750,000
Location: Mabalacat
Bedrooms: 3
Toilet and Bath: 2
Lot Area: 210 sqm

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.
posted by Oh_Me @ 4:45 PM  

House and Lot for Sale

Near Church, School, Malls, and other Commercial Establishments

Value: P3M Negotiable
Location: Mabalacat
Bedrooms: 3
Toilet and Bath: 2
Lot Area: 300 sqm

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 4:43 PM  
Mabalacat-Residential Lot for Sale in a Gated Subdivision

Residential Lot for Sale in a Gated Subdivision

Total Lot Area: 240 sqm
Only P4,000 per sqm

Value: P960,000 Negotiable

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 4:39 PM  

Residential House and Lot for Sale in a Gated Subdivision

Total Lot Area: 102 sqm
Bedrooms: 3
Toiler and Bath: 1

Value: P1.3M

Tags: Pampanga, Angeles, Mabalacat, Affordable House for Sale, Balibago, Condo, House and Lot, Clark, SM Mall, Nepo Mall, Jenra Mall, Police, Fire Station, Business District, Wunderground, Clarkfield, Angeles Properties, Bahay,

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty, Real Estate Authority in Angeles-Mabalacat Pampanga Area - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 4:08 PM  

Residential House and Lot for Sale
Location: In a prime subdivision in Balibago, Angeles City
A stone throw away from Robinsons Mall, Systems Plus Computer College, Sta Maria Church, and other commercial establisments.

Total Lot Area: 468 sqm
Bedrooms: 4
Toiler and Bath: 2
Value: P3,950,000

Tags: Pampanga, Angeles, Mabalacat, Affordable House for Sale, Balibago, Condo, House and Lot, Clark, SM Mall, Nepo Mall, Jenra Mall, Police, Fire Station, Business District, Wunderground, Clarkfield, Angeles Properties, Bahay,

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty, Real Estate Authority in Angeles-Mabalacat Pampanga Area - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 4:05 PM  

Residential House and Lot for Sale

Location: Brentwood Subdivision

A condo style home built with all American Standards and situated at a well guarded and exlusive subdivision

Total Lot Area: 210 sqm

Value: P4.750M

Tags: Pampanga, Angeles, Mabalacat, Affordable House for Sale, Balibago, Condo, House and Lot, Clark, SM Mall, Nepo Mall, Jenra Mall, Police, Fire Station, Business District, Wunderground, Clarkfield, Angeles Properties, Bahay,

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty, Real Estate Authority in Angeles-Mabalacat Pampanga Area - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 4:02 PM  

Residential House and Lot for Sale

Location: Near Clark Internaltional Airport and SM City Clark Pampanga

Total Lot Area: 394 sqm
Bedrooms: 4
Toiler and Bath: 2
Landscaped corner lot

Value: P3.8M

Tags: Pampanga, Angeles, Mabalacat, Affordable House for Sale, Balibago, Condo, House and Lot, Clark, SM Mall, Nepo Mall, Jenra Mall, Police, Fire Station, Business District, Wunderground, Clarkfield, Angeles Properties, Bahay,

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty, Real Estate Authority in Angeles-Mabalacat Pampanga Area - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 4:00 PM  
San Fernando-Residential House and Lot for Sale

Residential House and Lot for Sale

An elegant home in an exclusive subdivision which boasts of beauty, peace and security

Location: Hacienda Royale Subdivision San Fernando, Pampanga

Total Lot Area: 898 sqm
Bedrooms: 5
Toilet and Bath: 7
Value: P20M

with Swimming Pool

Tags: San Fernando, Pampanga, Angeles, Mabalacat, Affordable House for Sale, Balibago, Condo, House and Lot, Clark, SM Mall, Nepo Mall, Jenra Mall, Police, Fire Station, Business District, Wunderground, Clarkfield, Angeles Properties, Bahay,

All Rights Reserved to Tapang Realty, Real Estate Authority in Angeles-Mabalacat Pampanga Area - Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited.


posted by Oh_Me @ 3:57 PM  
Angeles City Savannah Green Plains 1

Savannah Green Plains I

-Where you can start to build your own beautiful home-

Location: Brgy. Cuayan, Angeles City, Pampanga

-Beautiful Entrance Gate
-Concrete Roads, Curbs and Gutters
-Underground Drainage System
-Children's Playground
-Covered basketball and badminton courts
-Large landscaped open spaces
-Tree-lined sidewalks
-Security Guard


Savannah Green Plains I is conveniently located at Brgy. Cuayan, Angeles City, Pampanga, less than 500 meters away from the Fil-Am Friendship Road an only 1.5 kilometers away from Clark Special Economic Zone. It is also only 10 minutes drive away from Angeles City proper!

Overlooking Mount Arayat and stretches of lush green plains yet very accessible to city amenities and conveniences, Savannah Green Plains I is a perfect place to start building your own beautiful home and your future with your family.

Email us at tapangrealty@gmail.com


posted by Oh_Me @ 3:30 PM  
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